Kamis, 25 September 2008

Kunci sukses Albert Einsten

1. Berubahlah

Ada yang mengatakan bahwa perubahan itu sangatlah penting untuk meraih keberhasilan maka berubahlah sebelum lingkungan mengubah kita dengan paksa. Beberapa ciri manusia yang ada pada diri kita adalah (a) Mula-mula kita bertingkah laku kemudian kita membentuk kebiasaan kita tetapi pada akhirnya lama-lama kebiasaan telah membentuk kita (2) Ketika lingkungan yang dihadapi semakin kompleks, maka sering kita membagi kompleksitas kita kepada orang lain (Kita belajar hal-hal baru tetapi tetap menggunakan cara kerja lama yang tidak sesuai dengan perubahan jaman atau lingkungan).

Dengan melihat sifat dasar manusia maka langkah awal yang harus dilakukan adalah melihat diri sendiri, cari sifat, tingkah laku/kebiasaan yang jelek, ubah menjadi menjadi hal yang baik dan hal-hal yang baik menjadi lebih baik.

The same is Nothing

Coba anda bayangkan dihadapan anda ada 4 gelas berisi air putih yang berasal dari botol Aqua, Club, Ades, Zam. Kalau anda sebelumnya tidak tahu dari botol mana air dalam gelas tersebut berasal:

(a) Apakah anda bisa membedakan mana yang berasal dari botol Aqua, Club, Ades ataukah Zam.

(b) Apakah anda akan protes bila anda ingin minum gelas berisi Aqua tetapi disodori gelas yang sebenarnya berasal dari botol Ades.

Jawabannya dipastikan TIDAK (bahkan mungkin bila disodori air hujan yang bersih sekalipun kita tidak akan protes). bagaimana bila sekarang salah satu gelas berisi air Aqua Splash Fruit yang meskipun warnanya bening tapi berasa jeruk dan datu gelas yang lain berisi lumpur:

(a) Apakah kita masih kesulitan menentukan mana merek Aqua atau tidak.

(b) Bila kita menginginkan minum Aqua dengan rasa jeruk bisahkah kita menetukan pilihan dengan mudah ?

(c) Mengapa kita tidak memilih air lumpur, meskipun dengan mudah bisa dibedakan dari yang lain ?

Maka jawabannya DIFFERENT IS SOMETHING BUT BETTER IS EVERYTHING. Maka Berbedalah tetapi berbeda yang lebih baik.

2. Berpikir dan Bertindak Simpel

Simplisitas menghendaki anda mempersempit alternatif-alternatif dan kembali ke jalur utama (Jack Trout) karena orang-orang pintar berpikir simpel dan berfokus pada solusi bukan permasalahannya. Contoh Albert Einstein menciptakan sesuatu yang luar biasa lewat teori relativitasnya dan membawa dampak besar bagi dunia dengan cara yang sangat sederhana lewat rumusnya. Adam Smith sudah cukup menjelaskan mekanisme bekerjanya pasar yang rumit dengan konsep invisible hand-nya. Sigmund Freud dengan penjelasannya yang sangat sederhana mengenai manusia yang dibentuk oleh id-ego-superego (padahal banyak ahli filsafat yang menghabiskan satu buku hanya untuk menanyakan “Siapa aku?”)

3. Nilai-nilai Kecepatan

Perubahan erat hubungannya dengan kecepatan. Kita bisa saja mengatakan telah berhasil berubah, tetapi seberapa cepat perubahan itu memberikan jawaban ? INGAT lingkungan juga berubah.

4. Unsur-unsur kecepatan yaitu Pentingnya akses, Berpikir cepat, pengambilan keputusan cepat

5. Orientasi pada Tindakan

Sehebat apapun angan-angan tidak akan menghasilkan apa-apa kalau tanpa tindakan dan keberanian mengambil resiko. Namun tindakan yang hebat, kalau tidak dilandasi strategi yang tepat, akan sia-sia. Strategi dan tindakan adalah dua hal yang penting dalam menciptakan perubahan.

Kamis, 04 September 2008

Westlife - I Have A Dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

Westlife - Swear It Again

I wanna know
who ever told you I was letting go
of the only joy that I have ever known
girl, they're lying

just look around
and all of the people that we used to know
have just given up, they wanna let it go
but we're still trying

so you should know this love we share was never made to die
I'm glad we're on this one way street just you and I just you and I

I'm never gonna say goodbye
cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain
and I swear it all over again and I
I'm never gonna treat you bad
cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
and I swear it all over again
all over again

some people say
that everything has got its place in time
even the day must give way to the night
but I'm not buying
cos in your eyes
I see a love that burns eternally
and if you see how beautiful you are to me
you'll know I'm not lying

sure there'll be times we wanna say goodbye
but even if we try
there are something's in this life won't be denied
won't be denied
I'm never gonna say goodbye
cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain
and I swear it all over again and I I'm never gonna treat you bad
cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
and I swear it all over again

the more I know of you, is the more I know I love you,
and the more that I'm sure I want you forever and ever more
and the more that you love me, the more that I know
oh that I'm never gonna let you go
gotta let you know
that I
I'm never gonna say goodbye (I´m never gonna say goodbye)
cos I never wanna see you cry (I never wanna see you cry)
I swore to you my love would remain
and I swear it all over again and I (swear it all over again, and I)
I'm never gonna treat you bad (I never wanna treat you bad)
cos I never wanna see you sad (I never gonna see you sad)
I swore to share your joy and your pain (oh no, oh no)
and I swear it all over again
all over again
all over again
and i swear it all over again
I wanna know
who ever told you I was letting go
of the only joy that I have ever known
girl, they're lying

just look around
and all of the people that we used to know
have just given up, they wanna let it go
but we're still trying

so you should know this love we share was never made to die
I'm glad we're on this one way street just you and I just you and I

I'm never gonna say goodbye
cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain
and I swear it all over again and I
I'm never gonna treat you bad
cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
and I swear it all over again
all over again

some people say
that everything has got its place in time
even the day must give way to the night
but I'm not buying
cos in your eyes
I see a love that burns eternally
and if you see how beautiful you are to me
you'll know I'm not lying

sure there'll be times we wanna say goodbye
but even if we try
there are something's in this life won't be denied
won't be denied
I'm never gonna say goodbye
cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain
and I swear it all over again and I I'm never gonna treat you bad
cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
and I swear it all over again

the more I know of you, is the more I know I love you,
and the more that I'm sure I want you forever and ever more
and the more that you love me, the more that I know
oh that I'm never gonna let you go
gotta let you know
that I

I'm never gonna say goodbye (I´m never gonna say goodbye)
cos I never wanna see you cry (I never wanna see you cry)
I swore to you my love would remain
and I swear it all over again and I (swear it all over again, and I)
I'm never gonna treat you bad (I never wanna treat you bad)
cos I never wanna see you sad (I never gonna see you sad)
I swore to share your joy and your pain (oh no, oh no)
and I swear it all over again
all over again
all over again
and i swear it all over again